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Perry is a Community of the Future   Current News
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  What is its' purpose?
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Current News For Perry Energy Resource Center

DOE Selects Perry Schools for Energy Smart Schools Program

Energy Smart Schools Training.The Department of Energy has announced the selection of Perry Public Schools to participate in their Energy Smart Schools program. Perry was selected for this program because we have been actively working through our City of Perry, Energy Office with DOE as a designated Community of the Future. This program includes a $200,000 grant designated for teacher training, teaching materials, and school energy audits. It is anticipated that through this program Perry schools will also see substantial savings on their energy bills.

Energy Smart Schools is a sector of Rebuild America, a U.S. Department of Energy program. This forward thinking campaign addresses K-12 school staff and students with the goal of motivating them to use energy wisely. Better building design, improved energy technologies, renewable energy use, improvements to operations and maintenance, and transportation efficiency are all primary areas of focus for the Energy Smart Program.

Energy Smart Schools Training.Promoting energy awareness education and providing classroom support materials to teachers creates a higher awareness of wise energy use choices. Schools that are Energy Smart save money, but there are also several other benefits that may be achieved. More appropriate and efficient lighting, temperature control, indoor air quality, and controlled noise levels all contribute to better learning environments. Through classroom instruction, the schools create a generation of students who understand the impacts of energy use to our national welfare and global environment.

This program is funded and administered through the joint cooperation of the U.S. Department of Energy, Rebuild America-Energy Smart Schools; National Energy Foundation; OK Energy Office, Department of Commerce; and the City of Perry, Energy Office. A Perry teacher training was held December 13, 2002 in the Horizon Room of Exchange Bank & Trust. Cynthia Hunt of the National Energy Foundation led the workshop. Teachers attending were: Bob Edgar, Marilyn Ewy, Amy Bales, Phil Musshafen, Joneice LeValley, Jeff Sullins, Paula Gottschalk, Debbie Anderson, Pam Groom, Carolyn Luthye, Sherri Wilson, and Virginia Slaton. Participating from the City of Perry, Energy Office were Vicki Spaulding and Dixie Johnson.

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Energy Smart Schools Training.  Energy Smart Schools Training.  Energy Smart Schools Training. 

Energy Committee Members

         Phil Albertson Frank Nickel
  Bob Bornt David Payne
  Joe Deurr Leroy Rolling
  Chuck Hall Harry Williams
  Gary Hallock Jill Zimmer

What is a "Community of the Future?"
A community that agrees to coordinate their programs and resources to more effectively advance the use of clean energy technologies and practices.

Perry is one of only three cities selected to be a "Community of the Future" in the twelve state area covered by the Denver Regional office of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Working with the Denver Regional Office and the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Perry will serve as a role model for other cities across America.

What is its' purpose?

The purpose of this program is to establish a collaboration to help the City of Perry create jobs, reduce pollution, save money and achieve other key goals by increasing their energy efficiency and use of renewable energy technologies.

How can I benefit from living in a "Community of the Future?"
  • Save 50% or more in annual heating and cooling costs by utilizing a geothermal, heat pump.
  • Save an additional 20% to 30% per year in electricity costs by using energy star labeled products. Look for the energy star on appliances, consumer electronics, home office equipment, and lighting. For example, just by replacing standard light bulbs with energy star labeled compact fluorescent light bulbs you will receive the following benefits:
         75% less energy, 75% less heat, lasts 10 times longer.
  • Installing a wind turbine could lower your electric bill by 50% to 90%.
  • Save as much as 50% on vehicle's fuel costs by using alternate fuels such as natural gas. In addition, engines last 2-3 times longer by burning these cleaner fuels. Take advantage of state and federal tax credits. Up to $1,500 state and $4,000 federal.
  • Assistance in designing energy efficiencies into new and existing homes or businesses.
  • Reduce our nation's dependance on foreign oil.
  • Reduce air pollution.
  • Educating our young citizens about energy conservation which will ensure a sustainable, energy friendly, community for future generations.


Contact or Visit Perry's Energy Resource Centers
City Hall
622 Cedar
Perry, OK 73077
315 7th Street
Perry, OK 73077

Vicki Spaulding
Perry Energy Coordinator

Funded by US Department of Energy
Denver Regional Office
Oklahoma Department of Commerce



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