M A I N    S T R E E T    O F    P E R R Y

            Tax-Free Days (Dec. 3 - 4)

            Be A Santa (Dec 3 - 9)
            Christmas For Kids (Dec. 9)
  Tax-Free Days (Dec. 3 - 4)
Main Street of Perry is sponsoring "Tax Free Days" in Perry December 3rd and December 4th. Avoid the out of town hustle and bustle, traffic jams, long check out lines, traveling 60 miles, and the crowded malls by shopping Perry businesses and save money at the same time! Businesses that are participating include:
     Perry Sports & Outdoors
     Foster Corner Drug
     Hair Naturally
     Perry Floral & Gifts
     Beier Patch
     Thorn Originals
     Dollar General

The Sport Shak
Cabin Fever Massage
Stillwater Milling Co.
LJR Enterprises
Antiques on the Square
Wood n Stuff
Georgia's Fine Furniture
  Be A Santa (Dec 3 - 9)
It is time for Main Street of Perry's "Be a Santa" promotion. From December 3rd through December 9th, shoppers can save their receipts from participating businesses for a chance at winning great prizes and gift certificates. You can redeem your receipts for drawing tickets at the Main Street of Perry office at 315 7th Street between 8 am and 5 pm on December 9th. The Drawing will be held at 7:00 pm that night at the Courthouse Bandstand. Businesses that are participating include:
     Cox Communications
     Perry Sports & Outdoors
     COD Heating & Air
     Foster Corner Drug
     The Tire & Lube Plaza
     Dr. David Reynolds
     Ruble-Vance Chevrolet
     Hair Naturally
     Perry Floral & Gifts
     Wise Buick
     Allison Bounds Photography
Perry Daily Journal
Dr. Scott Cowell
Thorn Originals
The Sport Shak
Cabin Fever Massage
LJR Enterprises
Antiques on the Square
Schieffer Insurance
Holt Insurance
Dr. Stacey Wilda
Ferrell Chiropractic

  Christmas For Kids (Dec. 9)

Parents will want to be sure and bring their children to celebrate "Christmas for Kids" with Main Street of Perry December 9th from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. Local businesses will open their doors and cater to the smaller shoppers with tables of gifts marked $5 and under along with door prizes and free treats. Most businesses will have helpers available to assist your child and free gift-wrapping. Main Street of Perry's Tram will be giving rides around the Square and Santa Claus will be listening to Christmas wishes. Businesses that are participating include:
     Perry Sports & Outdoors
     Foster Corner Drug
     Perry Floral & Gifts
     Allison Bounds Photography
     Thorn Originals
     Dollar General
     The Sport Shak
Cabin Fever Massage
Stillwater Milling Co.
LJR Enterprises
Antiques on the Square
Wood n Stuff
Georgia's Fine Furniture

Main Street is you and I...
Main Street of Perry is you and I, and our neighbors - in partnership - protecting and celebrating the joys of living in our small town. As a member of this not-for-profit organization, you can be a vital part of history in the making as the Main Street Program strives to energize the downtown economy while preserving the unique, historical character of Perry.

Step By Step...
The Main Street approach is incremental. It means many small changes taking place over several years. It means strengthening local leadership and also strengthening the commitment to care for and manage the area long term. The center's preservation-based approach has been nationally recognized as effectively scaled to the resources of small towns.

Through the services of a part-time director with access to state and national resources; an involved board of directors; and active committees, Main Street of Perry is preparing for an ambitious year:

Restore one building face each year
Coordinate technical consultations for owners & merchants
Maintain & expand Noble County Courthouse flower gardens
Establish a downtown historic district
Publish quarterly newsletter
Provide free educational training for owners & merchants
Sponsor 'Breakfast with Main Street' workshops
The Main Street Approach...
Since 1980, the National Main Street Center has been working with communities across the nation to revitalize their historic or traditional commercial areas. Based in historic preservation, the Main Street approach was developed to save historic commercial architecture and the fabric of American communities' built environment, but has become a powerful economic development tool as well.

The Main Street program is designed to improve all aspects of the downtown or central business district, producing both tangible and intangible benefits. Improving economic management, strengthening public participation, and making downtown a fun place to visit are as critical to Main Street's future as recruiting new businesses, rehabilitating buildings, and expanding parking.

Building on downtown's inherent assets -- rich architecture, personal service, and traditional values and most of all, a sense of place -- the Main Street approach has rekindled entrepreneurship, downtown cooperation and civic concern. It has earned national recognition as a practical strategy appropriately scaled to a community's local resources and conditions. And because it is a locally driven program, all initiative stems from local issues and concerns.

The Main Street program's success is based on a comprehensive strategy of work, tailored to local needs and opportunities, in four broad areas, called the Main Street Four Point Approach:

Design: Enhancing the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging supportive new construction, developing sensitive design management systems, and long-term planning.
Organization: Building consensus and cooperation among the many groups and individuals who have a role in the revitalization process.
Promotion: Marketing the traditional commercial district's assets to customers, potential investors, new businesses, local citizens and visitors.
Economic Restructuring: Strengthening the district's existing economic base while finding ways to expand it to meet new opportunities -- and challenges from outlying development.

Main Street advocates are commonly asked by city governments and businesses, "Why should we invest in downtown?" The answer is simple: your downtown or neighborhood commercial district is an important and worthwhile investment in the economic health and quality of life in your community. A vital Main Street area reduces sprawl by concentrating retail in one area and uses community resources wisely, such as infrastructure, tax dollars and land.

A healthy Main Street core protects property values in surrounding residential neighborhoods. The traditional commercial district is an ideal location for independent businesses, which in turn keeps profits in town. Chain businesses send profits out of town.

Main Street supports local families with family-owned businesses, and supports local community projects, such as ball teams and schools and provides an extremely stable economic foundation, as opposed to a few large businesses and chains with no ties to stay in the community.

A revitalized Main Street increases the community's options for goods and services: whether for basic staples, like clothing, food and professional services or less traditional functions such as housing and entertainment. Main Street provides an important civic forum, where members of the community can congregate. Parades, special events and celebrations held there reinforce intangible sense of community. Private developments like malls can and do restrict free speech and access.

Many Main Street districts become tourist attractions by virtue of the character of buildings, location, selection of unique businesses, and events held there.

For more information visit the Oklahoma Main Street and National Main Street websites.

Contact or Visit Main Street of Perry
Main Street of Perry
315 N. 7th
P.O. Box 188
Perry, Ok. 73077

PH: 580-336-1212
FAX: 580-336-4504



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